Our dedicated and skilled team work from our Harbour Office in Itchenor and the Education Centre in Dell Quay to help support, enhance and protect this very special area.
Our Harbour Team are responsible for the safe operation of the water, and undertake patrols, maintain all moorings and keep the infrastructure of the Harbour, including the jetties, pontoons and navigation marks, functioning.
Our Rangers are out and about in the National Landscape undertaking a range of practical tasks including countryside management, maintaining and improving public access and working with volunteers. They also lead weekly conservation work parties with Friends of Chichester Harbour vounteers and respond to urgent tasks, such as fallen trees and storm damage.

Chichester Harbour Conservancy
CEO – Matt Briers CBE
Harbour Master – Jo Cox
National Landscape Director – Richard Austin
To contact any member of the team please call 01243 512301 or email info@conservancy.co.uk.