Coastal Change – Footpath 3059

In February 2022, Storm Eunice struck resulting in extensive damage at Chichester Harbour, affecting multiple sea defences, buildings, and infrastructure.

One of the casualties was Footpath 3059. The damage forced the closure of this popular path, with walkers asked to divert across the nearby paddock via Footpath 555. After close examination there’s now some careful consideration taking place about whether the path should be closed permanently. The main reason is that it’s unsustainable to keep repairing this sea wall, following the Natural England Review. With this in mind options are being examined for a new habitat creation project at this location.

In the meantime, some of the Conservancy’s Rangers will be installing boardwalks across the paddock on Footpath 555 to ensure it’s accessible through the winter when the paddock typically gets very wet.

There’s a great deal of local affection for Footpath 3059. But it’s important to recognise that the coast is constantly changing. The intention is to always work with nature and maintain Chichester Harbour as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty for generations to come.

Where is Footpath 3059?
This footpath sits on the seawall at Fishbourne Parish. The site is owned by Chichester Harbour Trust, and the adjacent paddock is managed in partnership with a local tenant farmer. The seawall on Footpath 3059 is the responsibility of the landowner, Chichester Harbour Trust.

The full briefing note is available here: